Ultima recensione positiva di un utente(Le recensioni degli utenti non sono verificate)
Ultima recensione negativa di un utente(Le recensioni degli utenti non sono verificate)
Akash Deep
Ricercatore in ambito di sicurezza informatica
Nostro punteggio:
Si dice che si ottenga quello per cui si paga, ma CyberGhost offre prezzi bassi e sostiene ancora di essere una delle migliori VPN. Gli abbonamenti partono da un prezzo bassissimo, di appena $2.03/month, quindi su questo aspetto non si può discutere. Ma può davvero competere con i suoi concorrenti di prim'ordine chiedendo così poco?
Nel corso di diverse settimane, abbiamo sottoposto CyberGho...
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Ultima recensione positiva di un utente
Muito Boa, from Brazil
Muito top, recomendo. Very easy to set, use and enjoy. Cyber Ghost VPN is one of the best, if not the ... best VPN to use for personal and casual use. The numerous server available will allow you to visit most of the websites that could be limited in your Area.Espandi
Ultima recensione negativa di un utente
VPN ottimo
Semplice da usare e pratico , si adatta agli usi necessari e in caso di problemi consente adattamenti ... per il buon funzionamento del programma . Costo pienamente sostenibile e adatto ad un uso continuo. Consigliabile a chi vuole una buona sicurezza sul web.Espandi
Perfect Privacy is one of the more expensive VPNs out there. To justify the high price, it boldly claims to be one of the most secure services available. Is it really worth the money, especially with so many premium VPNs available for less? I explored its features to see if it's worth your commitment.
After all my tests, I can't say Perfect Privacy is worth the price. It's significantly more expe...
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Ultima recensione positiva di un utente
Ottima vpn
Non capisco perché non fate una recensione su questa VPN che uso da anni e la credo ottima, mentre val... utate altre abbastanza scarse e le fate passare per buone, basta guardare la policy, escludendo dalle scarse, express vpn, nord vpn, proton vpn, ivpn(se la conoscete), che considero al top come privacy, mi raccomando come fanno molti siti di recensioni, non pubblicatela, soprattutto quando dà fastidio
un saluto
un TecnicoEspandi
Ultima recensione negativa di un utente
Dont do it, its sketchy.
If you like me, cannot find a way to cancel your payment (Its through paypal.) then you are outta luc... k. Also, its easy to lose your password because they give you a temp password with NO means of recovery for your password if you lose the email with the temp password.
Whats worse is if you lose that then you are going to have to contact them and hope they can give your password to you which good luck with that, when I contacted them for a refund and asked them for my password, instead they went to berate me.
Terrible service, "I'm sure that Paypal is on our Side, because it was your
Yep, a rep literally said this in an email when I was asking for a refund and he wouldn't give it so I went to paypal for it. He said, "Its your fault for not canceling the service sooner." when literally I couldn't find a way to cancel it for HOURS because I couldn't find my password. I gave up at one time and forgot about it and then I went at it again. I used their service for literally a day.
So do NOT buy this service, on top of all this its actually very hard to find a server with good ping and actual space for MB also, if someone enters the server and fills it up to max, it slows the server down for EVERYONE so there is going to be severe lag spikes that will happen utterly randomly.
I was going to use it to block ads on twitch but I can just go to literally any other VPN with ad blocking.Espandi